Monday, September 8, 2008

Weekend Chores.

Of course the one weekend I decide to finally clean out and organize my garage (I've moved into the the house almost 2 months ago) is one of the few nice sunny weekends we've had here in the wonderful state capitol. Oh well, such is life.

I spent all day Saturday going through box after box, trying to deicide what to unpack, what to store, and what to get rid of. I'm amazed at all the stuff I've aquired, and how much I've hung on to that I have no use Anyhow, I did run across some old keepsakes: family pics, yearbooks, and a some crafts and what not I made when I was a little girl. The weather was nice, so I was able to set things outside without them being ruined and have some clear space REALLY get everything organized, and it looks great.

Sunday, I was able to get out and enjoy the weather. Jeff and I had lunch at a cute little place just out of town. We then headed to Tumwater Falls to check out all the Salmon that are retuning to the hatchery to spawn. We took a nice little walk around the park followed by dinner at falls terrace with a great view of the waterfall. All in all it was a pretty good weekend.

Friday, September 5, 2008

First Post

So, I have noticed several of my family members are on here, and since I am sooooo terrible about keeping in touch with people, it's a fun, easy way for me to keep up on what is going on with everyone. I thought maybe it would be a nice why to keep people in the loop as to what's going on with me too.

I currently live in Olympia, WA and work part time as an office assistant for a roofing comapny and part time bookkeeping for 2 other companies. I enjoy my work and the flexibility it gives me. other than that, life has been fairly quiet lately, which is a good thing, but I'm thinking I may need to pick up a new hobby...or get back into some of my old ones.